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Terms And Conditions must read for Authors

*Terms and Conditions for Authors:*

1. By publishing a book under our T.B ORIGINALS name, the author acknowledges and agrees that the copyrights of the manuscript, book, and title automatically transfer to the publisher, hereinafter referred to as "the Publisher."

2. The Publisher will not provide any other PDF or hard copy of the terms and conditions. First-time authors are required to read the terms and conditions exclusively from the Publisher's official website.

3. No formal bond or signed paper agreement will be provided by the Publisher. Authors are solely responsible for familiarizing themselves with and adhering to the terms and conditions outlined on the Publisher's website.

4. All book rights, including but not limited to those with ISBN or without ISBN, remain the sole property of the Publisher unless explicitly stated otherwise.

5. Authors will receive royalties based on book sales as per the terms outlined in the agreement available on the Publisher's website.

6. The Publisher reserves the right to make amendments or updates to these terms and conditions at any time. It is the responsibility of the author to stay informed about any changes by regularly reviewing the terms and conditions on the Publisher's website.

By submitting a manuscript for publication under T.B ORIGINALS, the author acknowledges having read, understood, and agreed to abide by these terms and conditions.

T.B Originals may, at its discretion, utilize third-party distributors and publishers for the publication of authors' books, but the rights to the books shall remain under the ownership of T.B Originals.





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